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This is Keyword Researcher.
It's the only SEO software that helps you find
Long-Tail Keywords and create SEO-Optimized Content for your website.
9907 Beautiful people already own
Keyword Researcher.
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Use "Keyword Researcher" to discover high-value Long-Tail Keywords from Google AutoComplete, Organize CSV files from the Google Keyword Planner, and write SEO-Optimized Articles for your website.
Have you ever wondered how to find Long Tail Keywords for your website? When you use Google, you may notice a little drop-down box that represents their attempt to predict what you're about to type next.
For example when I type the phrase "How does a website..." then Google assumes I might be looking for:
How does a website make money
How does a website work
How does a website find my location
How does a website server work
how does a website help a business
These are some interesting keywords...
Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to save all these keywords--so we could add them to our website content?
Well that is where Keyword Researcher comes in!
Keyword Researcher is an easy-to-use Keyword Discover Tool. Once activated, it emulates a human using Google Autocomplete, and repeatedly types thousands of queries into Google. Each time a partial phrase is entered, Google tries to predict what it thinks the whole phrase might be. We simply save this prediction. And, as it turns out, when you do this for every letter of the alphabet (A-Z), then you're left with hundreds of great Long Tail keyword phrases.
Do you need to Organize Keywords and Import CSV Files from the Google Keyword Planner?
Would you like to manage keywords, and article content? Planning a Web Content Strategy?
If you have ever used the infamous Google Keyword Planner, then you need to check out Keyword Researcher! And, get ready to say goodbye to the tedium of manually manipulating CSV files--in complicated Microsoft Excel spreadsheets.
Our app was built by Internet Marketers, for Internet Marketers.
It was designed (from the ground up) to be an all-in-one SEO solution--that allows you to manage both your keywords and website articles.
Need to manage thousands of keywords?
Need help writing SEO-Optimized website articles?
Want to organize an entire SEO website?
Then read on, and get ready to turn confusing keyword data into valuable information.
As Internet Marketers, we all understand the value of working with clear and concise keyword data. If you've ever done any SEO at all, then you're already familiar with the Google Keyword Planner--Google's amazing keyword tool that spits out heaps of great keyword data. It's the "first-stop" for ANY online SEO marketing campaign.
You've probably downloaded CSV files from the Keyword Planner, and perhaps worked with them in a spreadsheet program like Microsoft Excel.
Perhaps you've tried to separate the good keywords from the bad keywords.
Perhaps you've tried to organize your keywords into logical groups.
Perhaps you've tried to create SEO-optimized documents for your website, and found that, squeezing all these keywords into your articles can be a bit tricky.
And that's where the problem starts!
For years, I spent hours doing manual Keyword Research with various keyword tools. This was eating up a lot of valuable time! Trying to sort, segment, and make sense of a list of a thousand keywords takes forever. Not to mention, trying to organize this data into a concise keyword research report that would make sense to a client.
If you've ever spent five minutes trying to sort keyword data in Microsoft Excel, then you know how difficult working with large keyword lists can be!
Keyword Researcher can turn a list of thousands of keywords, into an actionable SEO Strategy. We designed it to make the entire SEO process flow smoothly--from keyword generation, to content publishing, and all the steps in between. We've tried to think of everything!
Keyword Researcher is free to try out! So click the above download button to get the free trial version today!
Yes, these are real pictures of real human beings who
really like Keyword Researcher.

"Amazing. I love this tool, and it has given me lots of great ideas...especially when I need content ideas. It provides a lot of great ideas for my niche."

"One of the best tools to find popular long tail keywords for your niche. Watch the video on the homepage, I promise you'll be impressed."
Pat Flynn

"So easy to get HUGE lists of Long-Tail Keywords that no one is ranking for. Intuitive control panel... perfect for getting inside the minds of real people doing real searches. It's the only tool for the job!"
Cosmo Keenan

"Easy to use and great for finding variations on your main keyword, sub-headings, building out a website, and looking for a few easy pages to rank..."

"I own a ton of keyword tools. This is the one I actually love to use. It is so flexible, fast, fun and full of surprises too. And the training videos are first class as well."
Peter Guiliano

"Excellent software, intuitive and great for SEO and PPC campaigns. I even promote Keyword Researcher in my workshops!"
Kelly Watt

"This is the only keyword research tool that I recommend. The ideas, inspiration, and content longtails you will get for your niche topic are going to result in you producing a page of content that is more than going to pay for this tool. And as they are Google's database then we KNOW that these terms are being searched by a decent volume of peeps every month. It's a goldmine dudes."

"This tool is simply Amazing. I've been uncovering literally thousands of highly related keywords for my clients websites, with this tool new content ideas have become a breeze. I literally have hundreds of new ideas for articles to write about for my sites and my clients sites. The Keyword Researcher tool was truly a great buy for my business and I highly recommend it to anyone."
Steven C Dybka

"Our whole team has a copy of Keyword Researcher, we use it for everyone of our client's keyword research for the 'Long Tail' and we use it every day to come up with blog post ideas and ideas for guest posting. We couldn't live without this tool. I have used every paid keyword research tool under the sun, and this by far is my favorite tool for mining the Long Tail."
Matthew Hunt

"With Google giving over the home page to ads and their own properties for commercial keywords, the Long Tail keyword is more important than ever. If you have a website, you know that most of your traffic comes from keywords you never would have thought of. With Keyword Researcher, you can find them in advance and make sure that you're the one that snags this traffic. I use it for all of my e-commerce site planning."
Dave Huckabay

"I've used many keyword tools over the years and Keyword Researcher is up there amongst the most useful of them. Apart from being a great way to get ideas for content, as an AdWords consultant, I also use it to uncover words and phrases that my clients would not want to be bidding on (negative keywords). This is a real time saver for me and a budget enhancer for my clients! All in all, this is a great app and should be used by any professional search engine marketer."
Adrian Bold

"I've been doing keyword research for years, and I can tell you that dealing with hundreds of keywords and dozens of spreadsheets is enough to make anyone lose the will to live. Keyword Researcher is great because not only does it let you easily find keywords that people are actually searching for, but it has a clean and simple interface that makes it easy to keep track of what you've found. If I'm stuck and need some new ideas, I just fire it up and usually find several things to write about in a few minutes."
John Pickett

"I have tried several different SEO programs to get my keywords, but Keyword Resarcher is the best by far. I have five sites and I use it for all of them. Highly recommended."

"Before Keyword Researcher, I had to spend precious time using Google AutoComplete to manually dig up all the longtail keywords. This is frustrating to say the least. After Keyword Researcher, I spend less time on keyword research and more time creating content."

"Truly a rare tool--both in functionality and design. This app was made to help us SEOs increase traffic to our sites and it does the task brilliantly. Far and away, one of the most useful and helpful apps I have used since I started in SEO nearly 10 years ago."
Pawel Grabowski

"Never again will I get writer's block for my sites. Sometimes inspiration just doesn't come when you need it. That's exactly where Keyword Researcher fits in. I'm able to quickly find and sort new ideas for my site with topics that people are actually searching for. Totally eradicates the article creation guesswork!"

"The only keyword research tool you will ever need. Keyword Researcher is invaluable for small and large businesses alike who are trying to make an impression in the world of internet marketing. The idea generator is a brilliant way to get your internet marketing campaign off to a flying start. It's a steal!"
James Cross

"One of the best keyword tools I have...As internet marketers we have toolboxes. He/She with the best tools often wins. No matter what field you're in, grab this tool, play with it when you have time, and you'll see how awesome it is."

"As far as I am concerned, Keyword Researcher is the tool for finding article inspiration based upon Long Tail Keywords. I am really excited about the possibilities when combining a great tool like this with a quality content strategy."
Tom Ewer

"I own and use numerous applications to do keyword research. Without question, Keyword Researcher is the most powerful and quickest to use when dealing with thousands of key phrases. This tool saves me countless hours!"
Uri Lederman

"I have already used this technique in the past--looking manually into the Google Autocomplete suggestions. It's a great way to find interesting keyword phrases--but also very time consuming. But with Keyword Researcher, I can now do it all in a second. And, get a complete list of content suggestions!"
Leo Vanhooff

"Organize keywords in a way that makes sense to you. All while keeping tracking of which keywords you've researched, excluded, and decided to use. I don't get lost in a sea of keywords and a maze of content."
Nic Windley

"So simple and so easy to use. You can play around with it for hours and hours...Great for finding niches and sub-niches, product ideas, article ideas."
John Robbinson

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The 6 Foundational Steps of SEO
This is where Search Engine Optimization begins.

Discover and Import Keywords

Remove the Bad "Junk" Keywords

Search for the Good Keywords

Organize the Good Keywords into Article Groups

Type the Good Keywords into your Webpage Article Content

Publish Your Content Online
Step 1: Discover and Import Keywords
In this step, you can use our app to discover new keywords about your product or service. You can also import keyword CSV files from the great Google Keyword Planner

With Keyword Researcher, this step is easy. Simply drag the CSV files into the app, and all of your keyword data is sorted for you. Duplicates are removed. And the incoming keywords (that you have "blacklisted" in the past) will, of course, be blacklisted again. So they won't interfere with your project.
Go to the next step ►

Keyword Researcher Screenshots
Yes, this is what Keyword Researcher looks like.

Keyword Researcher
List of Features

Search Google
Search for Long Tail Keywords on Google.

Search Amazon
Search for Long Tail Keywords on Amazon.

Search YouTube
Search for Long Tail Keywords on YouTube.

Write SEO-Optimized Content
Use the "Create Content Tab" to write web content and insert the high-value Keywords.

Plan a Content Strategy
Assign your Keywords to Articles, and sort your Articles into Categories.

Negative Keyword List
A good Negative Keyword List will ensure that undesirable Keywords don't interfere with your project.

Advanced Keyword Search
When you have 1000's of Keywords, you need advanced searching functions to make sense of them.

Assign your Keywords to a White, Grey, and Black List
Group Keywords into multi-colored lists to keep your project nice and organized.

Keyword Tags
Create custom Keyword Tags and assign them to your favorite Keywords for better sorting.

Import Google Keyword Planner Files
Drag your Google Keyword Planner CSV files right into your project.

Import from Microsoft Excel
Import Keywords and Article Content via Microsoft Excel (XLS) files.

Export to CSV and XLS
You can export your Keywords and Content to many formats, including CSV, XLS, and even a WordPress XML file.

Table of Contents

Content Strategy Basics
Create and deploy keyword-optimized content.
1. What is a Content Strategy and why is it important?
If you've ever wondered how Google is able to find the best webpage for your search query, the short answer is this:
They compare the words you type, with the words that appear in their database of all the websites of the Internet.
Basically, Google has downloaded the text of almost every website in the world. And they have organized these sentences into a large database. So, when you search Google, their computers crawl through this database and fetch the URLs of the websites that contain your search words.
This is, of course, an overly-simplistic summary of what's really going on. Search engines are much more sophisticated these days, and the mere presence of the word on the web page is only one factor in determining search rank.
Still, you can see why SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is taken so seriously. Because, in the least, a web page that does not contain the user's keywords, is less likely to actually be about the user's keywords.
So when we refer to the creation of a "Content Strategy," this typically entails the development of a group of keyword-optimized information articles.
First, the SEO guy (sometimes pretentiously called the "Content Strategist") will examine a body of keyword data, and select the keywords which he feels are conducive to the marketing of the product that the website caters to.
Then, a lot of time, money, and effort are attributed to "Content Writers" ("Content Developers") who create articles that satisfy (or partially satisfy) the spirit of the user's search query.
Such content is created for a couple reasons:
In a product-based web business model (e.g. a company selling baby toys or video courses), the site owner hopes that a visitor will serendipitously stumble upon his website, and, will be so impressed by the images, video, or content that he will ultimately become a paying customer.
In an advertising web business model (e.g. a magazine or blog), the site owner hopes to attract as many visitors as possible to his website. Because he knows that some percentage of these visitors will view an advertisement or (even better) click on an ad. The more clicks our site owner gets, the more money he makes.
2. Finding Keywords
Of foundational importance in the creation of a content strategy is the generation of list of keywords that people are actually searching for on the internet. This usually means starting your journey at the infamous Google Keyword Planner and typing various "seed keywords" into its search box.
If you're not familiar with the Google Keyword Planner, it's a web interface (owned by Google of course) that allows you to download a body of keyword data (in the form of CSV files). These files contain a wealth of important information like:
The Keyword Search Volume (The number of times the keyword is queried per month)
The Keyword Cost-Per-Click (The approximate amount that an Adwords publisher is paying--when his ad is displayed for this keyword.
So you can see why this information if valuable. Because, thanks to the Google Keyword Planner, we can actually see:
What types products or services people are searching for
The exact phrasing that people are using to search for products or services
And, how many people are searching for these products or services
Working with a large batch of CSV files from the Google Keyword Planner can be tricky. And that's why Keyword Researcher was invented. It takes in all this great keyword data, and consolidates it into workable database.
3. Selecting the right keywords for your website.
So how do you know which keywords to use?

This is one of the most difficult questions in SEO. And the answer is different for every business model.
Simply put, you should use keywords on your website that are conducive to the marketing of your product or service. Ultimately, the keyword-selection task is much easier if you have a deep understanding of your target demographic--prior to ever sitting down to look at a keyword spreadsheet.
But once you've gathered all your keywords together, it is sometimes best to try to "put yourself in the shoes" of the person who has just typed this phrase into Google.
You might start out by asking yourself:
Does the product or service I sell solve this person's problem?
Am I the answer to this person's question?
Do I personally know how to answer this user's question?
Can I ascertain what this user is looking for, based on the keyword phrase itself?
Can I create content for this query that will leave the user satisfied that they have completed their search successfully?
Do I have experience with people asking this question?
There is, of course, no perfect algorithmic method for deciding which keywords you will ultimately target in your web content. So if you're just starting out in your Search Engine Marketing efforts, you might want to start small. Simply pick a dozen keywords and create a few articles that genuinely cater to the searcher's needs.
4. Plan a Content Strategy and Cluster your keywords.
After you've chosen a batch of keywords to target, it's time to assign these keywords into distinct article groups.

Typically, a few keywords will pop out at you, and you'll notice that they are similar enough, such that they'd fit nicely together into the same article.
Consider, for example, the following list of keyword phrases:
how to organize keywords
organize keywords for a website
arrange website keywords
keyword organization
Keyword Researcher software
Now it should be pretty obvious that such keywords should be clustered together and placed into one article. (Namely, the article you're reading right now.)
There wouldn't be much utility in fracturing this little keyword group into five individual articles! Rather, it is in my interest to simply make sure I cover "the letter and the spirit" of these five keyword phrases on this one web page.
The keywords in the above example are pretty easy. But, the subjective and stylistic nature of Content Strategy Planning becomes apparent when the keyword phrases are more ambiguous.
Take for example the phrase "web content writing." Now at first glance, it may appear that my web page may satisfy the commercial intent of this searcher. Helping people write web content is exactly what Keyword Researcher does!
But if we dig into this phrase a bit more, we'd probably find that the majority of people who type in this phrase are looking to either:
hire a web content writer
get a job as a web content writer
or to simply learn more about web content writing itself
It is unlikely that most of these searchers would be interested in actually purchasing Keyword Researcher at this time.
Hence, it would not be in my interest to actively pursue the keyword phrase ("web content writing") in my on-site and off-site content marketing efforts.
It would be much more beneficial for me to angle the content of this web page toward keywords that are more reflective of a person who is actively seeking a keyword organization app.
In any case, this is the thought process you must go through with each keyword you choose for your website. If you're familiar with your target market, then this task usually goes pretty quick. You should be able to glance at most keywords, and decide (in a couple seconds) if the keyword is (or is not) conducive to the marketing of your product.
When this part of the content planning process is done, all of your keywords will be arranged in nice little clusters (sometimes called "Keyword Groups"). And then it's time to start thinking of some article titles.
5. Create your article titles
Every internet document is indeed just that--a document. And all documents need a title.
So your next task is to create a unique title for your web document. This is an important step, because the document's title sets the theme for the entirety of the content. And is the most important single SEO element on the page.
As you glance at any given keyword group, you'll find that they often lend themselves to the creation of a rather obvious title. Consider this group:
low carb snack foods
best low carb snacks
no carb snacks
low carb snack recipes
Right away, we can see that we're going to be using the words "low carb snack" in our article somewhere. And this is the point where your copywriting skills come into play. We'll need to create a title that encapsulates most of our target keywords, and yet also has an alluring ring to it.
Creating a psychologically alluring title is important--because search engines will rank our document (in part) based on how many clicks the title is getting--relative to other articles on Google's Search Results Page (SERP). Hence, a title that has some stylistic panache, will (in theory) ultimately rank higher than a title that doesn't have anything eye-catching about it.
So, instead of just titling our document "Low Carb Snacks," we might try something like this:
"10 of the Best Low-Carb Snacks that you can make in 10 Minutes!"
6. Write your article and use your keywords in the article content.
Now that your keywords are arranged in logical groups, and each group has a unique article title, it's time for the hard part... You have to actually write something.
It is very easy to let the keyword data hinder the creative writing process. So be wary of this. Keywords can be very distracting and you don't want to let all this data hinder your writing efforts.
So let the keywords merely act as the locus for your article theme. Just casually glance at your keywords before writing. And then craft your articles into a useful web content article. An article that you know will be beneficial to your target demographic.
Then, once the writing process is nearing completion, that's when you pull out your keywords. And you carefully "pepper in" your keyword phrases into your article content. This usually involved merely replacing an occasional word, or adding additional headings between paragraphs.

It's easy to tell if all your keywords are reflected in your article content with Keyword Researcher. Because, as you type your content into the Keyword Researcher article text editor, the article's associated keywords will change color.
The color green means that the whole keyword is in the article.
The color orange means that portions of the keyword phrase are in the article.
The color black means that the keyword phrase hasn't been used in the article yet.
So you can see how this is particularly useful when creating article content. Because Keyword Researcher is constantly watching your document while you type, and it visually depicts your keyword's location in the article content. So it's an essential tool if you're in the business of creating SEO-optimized (keyword-rich) documents.

How will you use
Keyword Researcher?
Let's list a few ways you might
use the app in your business.
Go after hidden Long Tails with lower competition.
Using the good ol' free Google Keyword Planner is great. But there is an alternate universe of Long Tail keyword phrases that live in Google's other database--namely, their "Autocomplete database." That's the database that is accessed when you're typing queries into the Google search box (notice that list of suggested keywords that pop up as you type?)
Long tail keywords are great because they allow you to generate content that targets phrases that your actual customers are typing in, but that may not be too obvious to your competitors.

Build A Gigantic List Of Keywords.
Keyword Researcher is designed to search the Autocomplete databases of Google, YouTube, and even Amazon.com. That's a lot of keyword sources! As you probably know, if you're building an authority site, or if you would like to become a dominant player in your niche, then starting with a large database of keywords (that your customers are actually typing in) is a powerful marketing tool.
Generate creative article ideas.
Create article titles that are reflective of what people in your industry are actually searching for. Coming up with unique content ideas for your website is hard enough. But Keyword Researcher allows you to create article content about niche-specific concepts--that only a select few people in the world are actively searching for.
Keyword Researcher allows you to type in partial article titles. And Keyword Reseacher will attempt to "fill in the blank" for you--and tell you which phrases people are actually searching for.

Answer questions about your product or service.
Wouldn't it be great if you actually knew the kinds of questions your potential customers were actually asking? What if, instead of creating content about your product randomly, you could answer questions in your niche based on phrases that your potential customers were actually typing in to Google?
Well you're in luck, because Keyword Researcher is great at uncovering such "Long Tail question" style queries.
Gauge market interest about a new niche.
Let's say you're considering starting a new website, or venturing into a new product niche. And, suppose you'd like to somehow determine how much search buzz is currently hovering around this topic. You can use Keyword Researcher to get a "feel" for how much interest is actually out there. For example, let's say you were selling cameras. Then you might consider the following:
Are people asking questions about this product?
Try this: How to * a camera
Is this product often paired with related products?
Try this: * for cameras
Is this product popular with a particular set of users.
Try this: cameras for *
Keyword Researcher will replace the asterisk with every letter of the alphabet, and return 100's of keywords suggestions.

Plan a Content Strategy with Keyword Researcher?
Turn unorganized keyword data into
real, actionable content.
1. Import CSV files from the Google Keyword Planner.
Using the good ol' free Google Keyword Planner is great. It produces an un-ending supply of great keywords--from which you can create content on your website. But there's a problem. If you've ever actually sat down and tried to arrange these CSV files into a viable content strategy, then it becomes clear very fast how difficult the task is.
Keyword Researcher has been specifically designed to tame Google's CSV files for you. It gobbles up their data and displays the goods elegantly--in a clean, minimalistic interface that you'll find very easy to use.

2. Separate the good keywords from the bad keywords.
When you've got a few thousand keywords on your plate, then deciding which ones you're going to pursue can be a bit daunting.
Keyword Researcher has sophisticated sorting, searching, and categorization tools--all designed to help you weed out the keywords you don't need, and manage the keywords you'd like to target.
3. Assign your keywords to article groups.
Ultimately, your job in the creation of on-site content, primarily comes down to assigning keywords to logical groups. In SEO, we create content resources ("articles") out of these groups. And these resources act as the "lure" that draws search engine visitors to our website.
Keyword Researcher enables you to create Categories, Articles, and Paragraphs. Assigning keywords has never been easier--because you simply drag the keyword over to the article group.

4. Create SEO-Optimized Web Content.
Once you finally know which keywords you'd like to use in your content strategy, you need to actually write your article. In SEO, we "pepper in" our keywords into various locations in our article content.
Keyword Researcher examines your content while you type. And the keywords themselves will change color, based on if they do, or do not, appear in the article content.
5. Export your content directly to WordPress.
Writing a batch of articles for your website is hard enough. But actually publishing the content (article-by-article) to your website can be quite a chore.
Keyword Researcher has a built-in native WordPress XML exporter. Meaning that you can import your articles right into your WordPress database.

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